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Dear Diary


Have you ever noticed if someone's house is dirty the person living inside is often also dirty? It was certainly that way when I approached Count Olaf's, who is our new legal guardian' filthy house for the first time.  Yeeka! The building which sagged to the left in an unstable way was dilapidated and unwelcoming.  Although the house was larger than I thought it was not a pretty sight.  The bricks were stained with soot and grime and the door, which was painted an ominous black colour, needed to be repainted.  


The roof was as black as the burnt toast my sister had baked back when our parents were alive.  The house made me feel nervous because the bricks were crumbled and often creaked.  However, the scariest thing about it was not the disgusting smell but the glaring image of an eye carved into the dusty door.  My siblings and I backed away, not wanting to go inside such an eerie building, but it was no use we were shoved inside the cobwebbed building with horrible Count Olaf forever.


Instead of welcoming us in and offering a refreshing beverage, County Olaf shoved us in one filthy bedroom.  I did not like it one bit.  Despite Count Olaf having a large house, my siblings and I had to share a room the size of a broom cupboard.  This made me feel angry. Nervously, we looked around.  Our surroundings did not help our feelings.  There was only one uncomfortable bed with a bumpy mattress, so we had to make a bed for Sunny.  My ingenious sister, Voilet, removed some ugly curtains and used them to make a bed for Sunny.  I decided I hated County Olaf.  He had not put any thought into our room.  Instead of books and amusement our horrid guardian placed a pile of rocks in the corner of our appalling room and even though County Olaf was clearly rich, he had not given any decoration to the room except a badly drawn picture of an eye.  He had even not bothered to put a rug on the floor, which meant I went to sleep uncomfily.













Dear Diary,

We have arrived at Count Olaf’s house.  I thought it looked awesome at first, but it’s actually a horrible, rundown place.  No, not that it can suddenly change what it looks like!  Let me tell you the whole story.  We were in the car with Mr Poe, feeling nervous but hopeful.  When Mr Poe dropped us off, there was this well-scrubbed, lovely scented, beautiful house in front of us.  A lady called Justice Strauss came out, and we asked her if she was Count Olay’s wife.  She looked really surprised when we asked her “Oh no! I help with the cleaning and Count Olay is my next door neighbour!”  We looked away from her house to the nextdoor one.  My heart froze.  The house was so horried that I actually thought it was a house from Viking Ages! There was something scary about it and, even  more creepy, there was an eye at the front!

Here is just a mild explanation of what it looks like.  It is tilted to one side, with eyes nearly everywhere!  It is pitch black, freaky, dingey, and as dirty as a pigsty!! I would rather live in a toilet.  Even though County Olay’s house is quite large, we are all cramped in one damp, flighty room with only one window.  I ask you, what type of a bedroom is that?  I am sure that if I stay in there more than one night I will OFFICIALLY SUFFOCATE!!  Without doubt it is the worst house I have ever seen.  I wish my parents were here.  They would’ve never let all this happen.  First,  I thought the Poe’s house was bade, but, believe you me, if I were to go back there it would feel like heaven on earth.  Aaaaaaaargh! Count Olay looks even worse than the house with his dirty, crumpled skin and his crooked hands!  All of a sudden, he seems to be dragging our clothes to…..a refrigerator?


Maha (4S)







Dear Diary,

It was such a dreadful moment when I saw Count Olaf’s house.  When I saw him I was even scared, with his one eyebrow and eye tattoo.  Anyone could say he was evil, even Justice Strauss.  Justice Strauss is Count Olaf’s neighbour.  When we saw our bedroom I was horrified.  There was only one bed and the curtains were ragged and ripped as dirty as muck.  We hated it and we still do.  Plus there was no wardrobe just a cardboard box.

I made a bed for my little sister Sunny, out of the curtains in our room.  I took them down and made a kind of cushion just about big enough for sunny to squeeze in. 


Violet Bodalar


Noor (4I)




Dear Diary


Today was the most unfortunate day!  When we arrived at Count Olaf’s house I was disgusted by the sight I set my eyes on.  Soot and grime slowly crumbled onto the bricks.  Above was a long tower slightly tilted to the left.  A wide grin spread across my face as I looked at the most beautiful house nextdoor.


I was extremely freaked out when I looked at the dirty, ancient door because whenever I peered at it, it seemed to stare right back at me.  I looked at Klaus and he definitely didn’t look happy.  Even thought I was getting older I was still frightened of what lay ahead of me.  Suddenly, I shivered as another tile crashed onto the pebbly surface.


Even though Count Olaf’s house was rather vast we were still shoved into the same dismal room.  My mum and dad wouldn’t let me stay in this horrible place!! I was extremely freezing seeing as Count Olaf made us store our clothes in a cardboard box which used to store a refrigerator in it.


Anya (4H)




David Choi (4H)


Dear Diary


Today was the most miserable day of my life by far.  I’ve been through a lot, so please don’t blame me if I can’t write very much.


Today as Mr Poe approached Count Olaf’s house, I was ashamed of Count Olaf.  Unlike our parents’ house, this house was dismal.  The whole house tilted to one side like a building that had been through an earthquake.  On the other side there was the most beautiful, most well-cleaned house I have ever seen, and probably the most beautiful I will ever see.


Despite the house being quite large, we have been shoved into the smallest bedroom.  I feel shocked that Count Olaf just threw us into this horrible room without offering us a drink.  He just led us up here and dumped us in this vile room.  It smells like a toilet in here and there is only one tiny bed, and some curtains across the only window in the room.  It was cold, damp and on top of that all, the room was absolutely INFESTED with rats.  And the worst of that was that there was absolutely nothing to amuse ourselves with but a tiny, pile of rocks, which isn’t any fun (unless you are a rock collector of course!) 


I got the feeling that Count Olaf really didn’t like us.  I really miss my parents.


David (4H)







Unfortunate Events


Our year 4 pupils read A Series of Unfortunate Events and were asked to write a diary entry in which they should visualise a setting from the story:





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